"This is how Democracy dies"


I keep hearing "This is how democracy dies."  

Don't give in to this message.  

Maybe "this is how democracy takes a massive hit and scares/embarrases the shit out of all of us."  

But we do have a choice in the matter.  

If we stand up, show up and speak up in ways we never have before, then "this is how democracy in America levels up and actually becomes a system of government by the whole population." 

Don't let despair and disappointment stop you. 

Don’t let the sucker punch of audacious horrific illegal bad behavior slow you down for more than the time it takes to get your breath back.  

Be resilient. 


Seek new explanations, possibilities, connections.  

We're experiencing unprecedented (public) abuses of power, but there are other forms of unprecedented power available too.  

Knowledge, compassion, information, connection, discernment, flexibility, platforms, expression, visibility, peaceful protest and dissent…

These forms of power are available to you.  

Use them.  

Fight back.  

Don't decide someone smarter, richer, older, whiter, less scrupulous or more connected than you already knows how this is going to play out.  

Your part in this matters. That’s what democracy means. 

Don't give up.